All Hail Vocal Balance!
Welcome to my shiny new blog! I’ve decided to get out there and share some of my vocal and singing techniques in a public forum. I love...

This is your Brain on Song: The Neurochecmical Cocktail!
I’ve already spoken to how anatomically brilliant the voice is, and wonders do not cease when it comes to singing’s effect on the human...

Instant Fixes for a Stressed Out Voice
Voice feeling hoarse, strained, or worn out? Well, what have you been up to? Too much talking (especially in loud environments)? Have...

How to Wow With Your Set List
Hello singers and dreamers! I’ve spent some time on this blog discussing the art of choosing the right song, and today I want to expand...

Practice Makes the Performer, Perfect or Not
Happy 2017! I hope your holidays were a delight, and that you’re BURSTING with ambition and drive. January is a wonderful time to tackle...

Stop Trying to be an Adele when you’re a Britney: How to Choose the Right Song
Singers, I have news for you: just as each of you varies in ability, natural talent and ambition, no two songs are created equal, either....

How to Build a Bridge (Hot Tip: Don’t Force It)
One of my biggest and easiest pieces of advice for singers? Don’t force your bridges. If that read like Greek to you, allow me to digress...

4 Simple (Not Easy) Steps to Master Your Voice
I’ve been in the vocal coaching game long enough to have seen some pretty remarkable results, but one variety in particular always stands...

Your Heart in Your Throat: The Anatomical Magic of Voice
I have almost infinite belief in the power of finding your voice. It’s amazing to watch my students engage in vocal coaching for even a...

Why Hire a Voice Coach or Singing Instructor?
I’ve been in the vocal technique business for a loooong time, and I get this question a lot. Don’t get me wrong: it’s a valid one!...